This is an idea I got from another VFR list member when it came time to replace the old rear tire. Find a vacant area with no traffic, and light that baby up! Give that tire a good send-off in style!
This pic looks kind of cool in itself... but there's still a ways to go....
Getting kind of hard to see....
....and now you can hardly see anything at all....
This is a fairly clear shot of the bike with smoke rolling off the rear wheel. It was also about this point that I really began to notice that awful burning tire stench. If you decide to try something like this, plan on a shower and a change of clothes afterwards. Otherwise you might set off the smoke alarms inside some structures.
This is near the end of the tire burnoff, actually during the second donut... if you look carefully, you can see chunks of rubber just below and to the left of where the bike is at in the picture.
Here's what left of that crummy old Dunlop D204. I guess I kind of pushed this burnout thing to the limit, because I barely had enough rubber to get the bike back home on. (It was a tense quarter mile!)
Another shot of the rear tire after I got the bike home. You can see where the total top layer of the tire has separated and the cords and belts are showing through. Ain't nobody gonna be riding on THIS tire anymore. One other point of note... if you pull a stunt like this, watch out for spectators... an audience can sometimes mean that there's pretty good possibility that at least somebody out there has notified the authorities.